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Imagine a single solution to the challenges you face in your practice. Scheduling. Billing. Invoicing. Payroll. Account Management.

Now envision a tool that solves problems you didn't even know you're going to have, while delivering a collections track record consistently in the HIGH 90s.

Meet MeasurePM: the innovative problem-solver. MeasurePM is a customized response to ABA professionals who have spent years with the same concerns you have, and built by ABA coding professionals to ensure your issues are addressed the first time.

All of this and more delivered in an intuitive package and tied together with the most responsive customer service to be found.

  • Seamlessly coordinate your billing, coding, invoicing, and payments
  • Intelligently synchronize staff and client availability from multiple viewpoints
  • Efficiently integrate appointments, timesheets, payroll, and claims
  • Comprehensively analyze auth utilization, reports, goals, and profitability

It's all in one place, because the Measure team understands that you may not want to struggle running your business.